Friday, December 2, 2011


I grew up as a Christian. Once I finally decided that I could no longer call myself one, I began to realize some misconceptions I had had. I was now in a different worldview. Christians had told me that non-Christians have a deep-down feeling that they need to get right with God. That is not true. I think most people just don't know if there is a personal God or not.

As a Christian I was told that being saved meant that I had a personal relationship with God. I don't think they should use the word relationship. I'll give an example of what I mean. Let's say I wrote a letter to my wife. In it I explained that I had locked myself in the attic. I was going to come out some day, but she could never see me until then. I asked her to talk to me as much as possible and read my letter, but I would never respond. Imagine me, listening in the attic, as my wife pours out her heart, begging me to say something. In short, this would not be an actual relationship. So I think this is a bad word to use to describe what a Christian has. Christians know that their God speaks to people, because he did so in the Bible. So... they believe they have to listen really hard and hear a still, small voice speak to them. I fear this is only their imaginations, but if it is possible, I wish I knew how to hear it and how to tell if it was God or not.

Another misconception is that non-Christians are immoral. This is not true. Some are and some are not. It seems to me that morals are agreed upon by society and those who go against them are punished. There are Christians who break these rules as well as non-Christians. Christians will ask, "If there is no absolute lawgiver then why not do whatever you want?" Well, you can, but you may have to face some consequences. If you cheat on your wife, you may destroy your marriage and your family. If you break your society's laws you will have to pay the price. You could ask a Christian, "You mean the only thing keeping you from being immoral is that you think God is watching?" Or in other words, "What's better - being good on your own or being good because you have to be good?" From my experience, some non-Christians are very moral. They make good choices, they give to others and they do things to benefit society. They even do all this without Sunday sermons. For more on this topic see: Thoughts on values, morality.

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